Apex Legends Mobile has conquered the mobile platform. Since its worldwide launch in May, developers have been constantly making new content so that mobile players can emphasize the tooth. The newest season will be launched very soon and with it comes a new map and a new legend called Rhapsody. Excited to interpret it? This is what you need to know about when Rhapsody arrives at Apex Legends Mobile .
When does Rhapsody come out in Apex Legends Mobile? Answered
Rhapsody, together with the last season of Apex Legends Mobile, distortion, is launched on July 12, 2022. It is not known much about the character in terms of his skills, but the trailer gave us some clues about What to expect.
In addition to the name of her is a reference to the expression and epic poems, her skills seem to be a music game combined with Lifeline's skills that possibly point out that she is a secondary character. She carries a small auxiliary drone that can display a barrier to divert the damage similar to the Newcastle of the last season of Apex Legends. However, she seems to have a skill that can help her teammates, as seen in the trailer, since they are surrounded by sound waves.
Of course, all this is speculation, and as we approach the launch of the new season, be sure to stay with us, since we will definitely cover what the new season brings!
For now, that is all you need to know about when Rhapsody arrives at Apex Legends Mobile . While waiting for these new releases, be sure to consult our tips on who is the best legend to use in APEX Legends Mobile or consult our list of all available characters.
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