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FF7 Remake will soon appear for PC, costs 80 euros

Final Fantasy (ファイナル ファンタジー, Fainer Fantasy) is a series of duty computer game (RPG) created by Square Enix (originally Square Soft) and also released by Hironobu Yamaguchi in 1987 in Japan on the NEW with the Final Fantasy game. The very first game of the series is a last initiative of Yamaguchi to turn over his occupation after several commercial failures: he satisfies an excellent business success. Because after that, Final Fantasy progresses with every living room console generation and is often adapted to various other platforms. She has actually ventured right into various other type of computer game whose on-line function play, race, firing video games in the 3rd individual, combat game and also rhythm game. She then branched out in terms of format, bring to life flicks, pets, manga and also novels. Although the majority of Final Fantasy games are made up of games in completely independent background, there are a number of usual points. This commonness include particularly situation elements, names and species of video games as well as play mechanics. The traditional situation of a Final Fantasy game occupies the story of a team of young heroes that combat wickedness while creating their Tidy character and relationships in between them. Lastly, the music usually made up by Noble Seats join the track record of the collection and its consistency. The video game collection meets an actual industrial and also vital success. It has more than 135,000,000 devices marketed in between its creation as well as 2017, and is considered a major collection of the globe of video clip games given that Final Fantasy VII. She had a considerable impact on the usual play mechanics of the function video clip games and joined the democratization of the genre overall exterior of Japan.

Final Fantasy VII Remake on PC Looking VERY Likely - Potentially an EGS Exclusive?

At this year Game Awards Square Enix announced its intention to publish the enhanced version of Final Fantasy 7 Remake called Final Fantasy 7 remake Inter Grade also for the PC.

For this extension PS5 The planned release has already been released on 10 June 2021. for the PC is the 16 . December 2021 and the title will be initially sold exclusively in Epic Games Store. This fits together with a data-leak some time ago. When the acquisition will also be possible through Steam is still unknown at this time.

Also interesting: Interview with the developers of Final Fantasy 7 Inter degrees

Final Fantasy 7 remake tells the story of the PlayStation classic new, but so far only the Midgard elements. In addition to improved graphics and additional quality-of-life improvements Inter grade also offers an extra end and a bonus chapter called Intermission.

This chapter tells the story of Toughie, a character from the original Final Fantasy 7, but shows up after the events in Midgard and was therefore not to be found so far in the remake. Thus, players can now learn about the origins of the then optional team member more.

price of Final Fantasy 7 Inter degrees on the PC

Although many fans excited about the announcement of a PC version, but the rate falls to negative: In Epic Games Store the game under 79.99 euros listed. Just the way, is also at For spoken, another game by Square Enix.

Now fans hope that a price of 80 euros is not on the PC and the standard for Square Enix, a discount is coming soon. Whether the price will change in the near future or is actually for other titles to be expected, is still unknown at this time.

However, anyone who feels comfortable in the past and wants to play prefer the original version of Final Fantasy 7, can buy as before on all modern consoles and PC this to.

Final Fantasy remake Part 2 can meanwhile still a long time coming, there is still no gameplay or a trailer for the game, let alone a date. But it should differ sharply again from the original game.

Niklas Pollen author & Lukas Schmidt

Editorial manager 10/12/2021 at 12:32 AM


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