The next title of the Irrational Games BioS hock Beloved Series could be announced in 2022 according to rumors. Oops, of information leaks recently published via Twitter on the framework, history and gameplay of the new presumed title. Depending on the leak, the game will take place in two stacked cities on each other. The city at the top is led by a successful entrepreneur and is a refuge for the rich elites of society. The city of the bottom is separated from the rest of the world and is led by a dictator who wants to rage the war against the city from above. Seems familiar? A separate company from the rest of the world. Another high society above it. The long-standing fans will respectively see the resemblance with Bios hock and Columbia of Bios hock Infinite. Not to mention the bird and symbols of the infinite bios hock cage are also presented in flight. However, the flight mentions that cities are all news in the franchise. It is possible that neither Rapture nor Columbia are ...