The EastWard main characters John and Sam live in a substrate community in which one learns the World Above , that is the Oberwelt, early to fear. In the course of the game, you explore the native cave, learns of all sorts of secrets and, of course, goes to the outside world sometime; However, it is very different than in the stories. Atmospheric world with exciting figures Rarely was pixel graphics as expressive as in Eastward. This is due to the masterful use of light and shadow, which gives the game a bit ominous in witty moments. On the other hand in the great detail: the film posters in John s caravan, the dripping shower, the graffiti on the walls - such trifles reward every exploration tour and make the world of Eastward alive and credible. Here you can watch Eastward in the Gameplay Trailer: The relationship between the silent John and his supernaturally gifted drawdaughter, the lively Sam, is the heart of the game. The two lives in Portrock Isle, a tackled, underground min...